" We're here to facilitate your plant-based journey "

PlantPlate.com is here to provide the recipes, information, and practical advice needed to follow a healthy plant-based diet. Whether you're interested in improving your health, losing weight, or eating more sustainably, a whole foods plant-based diet may be the perfect solution for you.

My name's Emma, and I started PlantPlate in 2013 with the help of my husband Scott, a web developer and fellow plantivore. I’m a certified Plant-Based Nutritionist who loves to cook, and I've followed a plant-based diet for over a decade. Having lived in various locations throughout the world - sometimes on a shoestring budget, and often with irregular and demanding work schedules - I’ve had to constantly adapt my diet in order to make it work. It’s taught me a lot, and it’s motivated me to show others just how accessible and enjoyable this way of eating can be.

The recipes featured on PlantPlate are based on minimally processed plant foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. They're free from all animal products, processed oils and refined carbohydrates, and are made with simple and affordable ingredients. Our articles are aimed at providing you with plant-based know-how when it comes to shopping, cooking, nutrition and day-to-day living. We have answers to common questions and share practical knowledge that we have acquired through experience. Finally, the resources section contains links to books, DVDs, and video presentations from some of the world's leading experts on plant-based nutrition. It is our hope that these resources will help you to fully understand and evaluate the health benefits of this wonderful way of eating.

Welcome to PlantPlate!  We hope you enjoy your visit. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email us at contact@plantplate.com.

The information on this website is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat health problems or illnesses without first consulting your doctor.

Video Presentations

Featuring full-length video presentations from the world's leading experts on plant-based nutrition, this section will teach you about everything from diet and diabetes to calorie density, overcoming food addiction, and how to read labels in the grocery store. Enjoy!


Below you will find a number of video presentations and lectures from some of the world's leading experts on plant-based nutrition and health, including Jeff Novick, John McDougall, and Dr Caldwell Esselstyn. It is our hope that these videos will help you to understand the scientific evidence that supports a plant-based diet, enabling you to fully evaluate and appreciate the health benefits of this style of eating.


Dr Neal Barnard

Neal Barnard, M.D., is an adjunct associate professor of medicine at the George Washington University School of Medicine in Washington, D.C., and president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. Dr. Barnard leads programs advocating for preventive medicine, good nutrition, and higher ethical standards in research. He is the author of numerous books promoting plant-based nutrition including the '21 Day Weigh-Loss Kick Start' and 'Power Foods for the Brain.'


Dr Caldwell B Esselstyn

Dr Caldwell Esselstyn is the director of the Cardiovascular Prevention and Reversal Program at The Cleveland Clinic, and author of the best-selling book 'Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease.' A leading expert in the field of plant-based nutrition, Dr. Esselstyn and his wife, Ann Crile Esselstyn, have followed a plant-based diet for more than 26 years.


Jeff Novick, MS. RD

Jeff Novick is a dietician with a unique, humorous approach to health and nutrition. He serves as Vice President of Health Promotion for Executive Health Exams International and lectures at the McDougall Program in Santa Rosa, California and at the Engine 2 Immersion program in Austin, TX.

  • "Health Food vs Healthy" Food
    • Confused by food labels? Think that low-fat foods have failed you? Jeff Novick sets the record straight in this 10 minute presentation, and offers 3 simple rules for determining whether a product is truly healthy.
  • Foods that Make You Thin
    • Diets high in rich, calorie dense foods are contributing to the current obesity epidemic. Jeff Novick explains why eating whole plant foods can help you to avoid this, and stay trim and healthy for life.
  • Calorie Density
    • Learn why choosing the wrong types of calories can lead to weight gain, and how eating less calorie-dense foods will enable you to effortlessly achieve a healthy weight.
  • Should I Eat That? Reading Food Labels
    • Looking for a little shopping guidance? Jeff Novick explains his 3 simple rules for deciphering nutrition labels and determining whether or not what you're buying is healthy.
  • Shopping with Jeff Novick
    • This segment from Jeff Novick's 'Fast Food Shopping School' DVD provides you with plenty of information on how to navigate the supermarket aisles, selecting healthy and inexpensive foods with which to prepare quick and tasty meals.


Dr John McDougall

A physician and nutrition expert who teaches better health through vegetarian cuisine, John A. McDougall, MD has been studying, writing, and speaking out about the effects of nutrition on disease for over 30 years. His program not only promotes a broad range of dramatic and lasting health benefits but, most importantly, can also reverse serious illnesses. His lectures are extremely comprehensive and informative- try to set aside some time to watch them all!

  • Dr McDougall's YouTube Channel
    • This invaluable resource features hundreds of lectures, webinars, interviews, Q&As, and patient success stories from the McDougall Medical Center.
  • The Food We Were Born to Eat
    • What is it? Dr McDougall shares his thoughts in this 20 minute talk presented at the TEDx Fremont event in 2012.
  • The Diet Wars
    • Low Carb vs Low Fat- it's a battle that's been fought for decades. Dr McDougall presents his case- plus plenty of evidence to support it- in this educational presentation.
  • Diet and Multiple Sclerosis
    • In this detailed and informative presentation, Dr John McDougall discusses how a low-fat, plant-based diet can benefit those with Multiple Sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases.
  • Pregnancy and Children
    • Pregnancy, childhood, and plant-based diets: in this one hour lecture, Dr McDougall explains how to achieve adequate nutrition at every stage of development, without compromising you or your child's health.
  • Diet, Drugs and Diabetes: One Hundred Years of Missed Opportunities
    • Can a healthy diet alone be used treat and reverse type-2 diabetes? Are drug therapies doing more harm than good? Find out what the research and Dr McDougall have to say in this presentation.
  • Low-Carb Hysteria
    • The low-carb craze has taken over the world- but why? Dr McDougall points the flaws in popular fad diets, and explains why avoiding carbohydrates can result in serious health problems.


Dr Pamela Popper

Dr. Pam Popper is a naturopath, an internationally recognized expert on nutrition and medicine, and the Executive Director of Wellness Forum Health. In addition to appearing in the seminal documentary Forks Over Knives, Dr Popper has authored the books Food Over Medicine and Solving America's Healthcare Crisis, as well as co-authoring the bestselling Forks Over Knives companion book. Her YouTube channel features hundreds of informative videos on a variety topics - ranging from heart disease and diabetes to eating disorders, dietary supplements, exercise, and America's healthcare system - and is updated frequently.


Dr Michael Klaper

Dr Klaper is a gifted clinician, internationally recognized teacher, and sought-after speaker on diet and health. He has practiced medicine for more than 40 years and is a leading educator in applied plant-based nutrition and integrative medicine.


Dr Doug Lisle

Dr Douglas Lisle is the Director of Research at TrueNorth Health Center, and a psychologist and speaker for The McDougall Wellness Program. His research in evolutionary psychology provided the foundation for the book The Pleasure Trap.

  • The Pleasure Trap
    • Is weak willpower to blame for overeating? Or are there other factors at play? In this talk, Dr Douglas Lisle explains 'The Pleasure Trap': the behavioural eating patterns that can undermine health, and how you can overcome them.
  • How to Lose Weight Without Losing Your Mind
    • Want to know how to lose weight in a peaceful, intelligent, long-lasting fashion? Dr Lisle offers insight into understanding and addressing the underlying cause of the problem: unnatural food choices in the modern world.


Dr Anthony Lim

Dr. Anthony Lim is a board-certified family physician, and a firm believer in the power of a healthy, balanced lifestyle to both prevent and treat chronic illness. As member of staff at the True North Health Center, Dr Lim enjoys working closely with patients to help them adopt healthier habits.


These videos are not property of PlantPlate.com. The presenters and owners of the videos are not affiliated with PlantPlate.com. 

The information on this website is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute for informed medical advice or care.